My Boss is Being a Real Pain Today
Of course I have a lot of problems all of the time, but it seems like I have had more than my fair share of them today. I was really hoping to get a little down time and play some games on the internet. Of course I have been playing these games called plane games 365 and I have just been wasting a whole lot of time doing nothing of importance. They are a lot of fun and I enjoy them, but it seems like I do not really have much time to do that sort of thing this week. My boss is really trying to get a bunch of stuff done and I have been jumping around trying to keep him happy. Of course it is not like that is going to happen. The guy is never going to be happy. He is always mad at all of us and there is nothing that is going to really change that/
At any rate I have been driving around a lot today because they can not make up their minds about what they want me to do. It seems like they are twisting it all around in circles trying to figure out some new ways to spin me around in circles. Of course they sent me to pick something up today. It was supposed to come in on a bus and the idea was that they would get it there in a couple of hours like that. However it got on the wrong bus and they apparently sent the package to Greenville SC in stead of here. So there is not much telling when it is going to get here or for that matter if it ever will get here. The guys had to ship another one up to replace it.